
Full Stack Web Development

Our Full Stack Developer course will allow you to learn how to create full-stack web applications using the front-end and back-end JavaScript technologies, which form the core of MEAN—MongoDB, ExpressJS and Node.js. As part of this MEAN Stack course, you will cover each module in detail and gain hands-on experience by executing real-world projects.

Only Few Seats Left – No Prior Programming Knowledge Required.

Learning Format

Online Bootcamp

Live Classes

42+ Hrs

Career Services

by SGMS Academy



About Program

Our MEAN Stack course is designed and curated by industry experts who have over 12 years of substantive experience working as Full Stack Developers. Thus, by enrolling in this training program, you can lay a solid foundation for all the core components of MEAN, plus gain proficiency in HTML, CSS,  and more. In addition, you will work on several MEAN Stack projects that will help you evaluate your skills and knowledge to solve real-world business problems.

Key Highlights

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    By providing your contact details, you agree to our Terms of use & Privacy Policy

    Who Can Apply for the Course?

    What roles can a Data Science play?

    Full-Stack Developer

    Work with the latest tools and techniques like Agile Software Development, Source Code Management, and Continuous Integration.

    Full Stack Engineer

    Develop prototypes of solutions with the help of numerous web technologies.

    Web Developer

    Use PHP, SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other programming languages to build web pages.

    Software Engineer

    Design various features of full-stack, such as backend models, front-end implementation, DB schemas, and API endpoints.

    Backend Developer

    Write code unit tests and review them to ensure the best services and quality of the program codes of other developers.

    Frontend Developer

    Create the frontend of websites using various libraries and frameworks, including React JS, etc.

    Skills to Master

    Web technologies

    HTTP protocol

    HTML programming and tags




    DOM manipulation


    CSS Selectors




    Unit Testing


    Parameter Routing

    MongoDB operations


    Express js



    Tools to Master

    Interested in This Program? Secure your spot now.

    The application is free and takes only 5 minutes to complete.

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    Understand how websites work and how HTML, CSS and
    JavaScript contribute.
    Understand how the internet works.
    Start coding with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
    Learn and understand git, GitHub and version control.
    Use the Unix command line to become a power user and
    write bash commands.
    Learn key troubleshooting and debugging skills to apply to
    your projects.

    Learn the anatomy of HTML syntax to structure your
    Understand the HTML boilerplate and HTML doctypes.
    How to structure text in HTML.
    How to structure HTML lists to create unordered and ordered
    How to insert images using HTML
    How to create hyperlinks using anchor tags.
    Understand how to use HTML tables for content.
    How to use tables for layout.
    Learn HTML best practices.
    Understand about HTML forms and create a simple contact
    me form.
    HTML Divs and how to separate content for CSS styling.

    Understand what are cascading style sheets and how you can
    use it to style your website.
    How to use CSS selectors and properties.
    Learn about how to use inline, internal and external CSS.
    Understand CSS coding best practices.
    Learn about CSS sizing methods.
    Learn the anatomy of CSS syntax and structure.
    CSS specificity and implementing style hierarchy.
    Class vs. Ids and how to target each.
    CSS display and how to implement layout.
    How to use CSS static, relative and absolute positioning
    Font styling using CSS and web safe fonts.
    Centering elements using CSS.
    Website design fundamentals and typography.
    How to use CSS float and clear.
    How combine CSS selectors and understand selector priority.

    Learn the fundamentals of implementing responsive web design.
    How to use Balsamiq to mockup and wireframe websites.
    The fundamentals of UI design for websites.
    How to install the Bootstrap framework.
    Understanding the Bootstrap grid layout system.
    How to use bootstrap containers to layout your website easily.
    Learn to use other Bootstrap components such as buttons.
    Adding symbols using Font Awesome.
    Learn to use Bootstrap carousels.
    Add Bootstrap cards to your website.
    Using Bootstrap navigation bars.

    The Fundamentals of Code
    Starting code with alerts and prompts.
    Understand Variables and Data Types in JavaScript
    Variable naming in JS
    Working with strings and numbers
    Randomisation and logical operators
    Loops, collections and Conditionals.
    Functions and invocation patterns
    Discussion of ECMAScripts
    Intermediate JavaScript
    Learn to use JS Expressions, Operators, Statements and Declarations
    Object-Oriented Programming
    JS Objects and Prototypes
    `This`, Scope and Closures
    Objects and Prototypes
    Refactoring and Debugging

    Learn the tree structure of HTML based websites.
    Traverse through the document using object notation.
    Separation of concerns and coding best practices.
    Manipulate and change the HTML elements using your understanding of the DOM.

    Introduction to functions in jQuery
    Manipulating text, styles and attributes with jQuery
    Create animations and customisations with jQuery
    Use your jQuery knowledge to make your website interactive
    Responding to user initiated events with jQuery

    Using git for version control and collaboration
    Git forking, branching and cloning
    Using GitHub as a remote repository
    Checkout and rolling back changes with git
    Using git and GitHub with Xcode

    Explore the components of back-end development, working with an MVC framework
    Apply concepts like data types, objects, methods, object oriented programming, and classes in the context of backend development.
    Server-Side JavaScript
    Using Node on the command line
    JavaScript Build Processes
    Event Loop and Emitters
    File System Interaction
    Native Node drivers

    Understand how to install and use express in Node applications
    Creating Node and Express based servers
    RESTful Routing with Express
    Understand and use middleware for Node applications

    Understand what APIs are and how they work.
    HTTP in Depth
    Calling APIs
    Reading API documentation
    Basic API Authentication
    Server to server communication
    JSON vs. XML, sending data over the wire.

    Understand what APIs are and how they work.
    HTTP in Depth
    Calling APIs
    Reading API documentation
    Basic API Authentication
    Server to server communication
    JSON vs. XML, sending data over the wire.

    How to model NoSQL data
    Document Databases (MongoDB)
    Create-Read-Update-Destroy (CRUD)
    NoSQL Best Practices
    Mongo Shell and command line use
    Installing MongoDB
    Mapping relationships with MongoDB
    Using an object-data modelling library (Mongoose) to work
    easily with your data.

    Understand hosting and deployment.
    Hosting static websites with GitHub Pages.
    Deploying server based applications with Heroku.
    Deploying Databases with Mongo Atlas.

    Interested in This Program? Secure your spot now.

    The application is free and takes only 5 minutes to complete.

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    Projects will be a part of your Certification in Full Stack web development to consolidate your learning. It will ensure that you have real-world experience in Full stack web development.

    Write complex Sub-queries

    The project aims at helping you work with SQL subqueries and also use them in numerous situations. the various queries to be used and covered at a part of the project are in or not in, exists or not exists and any or all, etc.

    Query a Large relational Database

    The interesting project on relational databases allows the learners practical know-how to work with various data types. table basics, SQL functions, and SQL operations to acquire the customer details through database querying.

    Data Binding

    Create a book page that takes the inputs in a textbook and a submit button. As a part of the project, perform data binding on the submit button, and two-way data binding using the ngModel directive.


    ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (1,213)


    Pushkal Singh

    Software Programmer at LTTS

    I had a good learning experience with the team. the life time access to course content has impresses me a lot. the live sessions by expert trainers were helpful and all my doubts were cleared. Thankyou. 


    Archita Zaveri


    One of the best learning platforms available in the market to master niche technologies. I'm really grateful  to the team for the good quality of content and experienced trainers.


    Vipin Gu

    Front-end at HCL software

    In depth and comprehensive course coverage. The trainer ensured that all the major concepts and important topics were covered thoroughly during the classes, plus great job by the supporting team


    Vishal Pentakota

    Data Engineer at RoundSqr

    This training offered sufficient hands-on demonstration. All the concepts were taught theoretically as well as practically by experienced instructors. Great Job


    Siddarth Asthana

    Full stack Developer at wallmart

    It was a nice learning experience with the team. the course curriculum is good. the real-time mark. this training program has really helped me in my professional growth. 

    Career Services

    Interview Preparation

    Mock Interview Preparation

    Students will go through a number of mock interviews conducted by technical experts who will then offer tips and constructive feedback for reference and improvement. (after 90% of the course completion.)

    1 on 1 Career Mentoring Sessions

    Attend one-on-one sessions with career mentors on how to develop the required skills and attitude to secure a dream job based on a learners’ educational background, past experience, and future career aspirations. (After 90% of the course completion.)

    Job Assistance

    Placement Assistance

    Placement opportunities are provided once the learner is moved to the placement pool. Get noticed by our 600+ hiring partners. (After 100% of the course completion.)

    Exclusive access to our Job portal

    Exclusive access to our dedicated job portal and apply for jobs. More than 600 hiring partners’ including top start-ups and product companies hiring our learners. Mentored support on job search and relevant jobs for your career growth.

    Profile Building

    Career Oriented Sessions

    Over 10+ live interactive sessions with an industry expert to gain knowledge and experience on how to build skills that are expected by hiring managers. These will be guided sessions and that will help you stay on track with your up skilling objective.

    Resume & LinkedIn Profile Building

    Get assistance in creating a world-class resume & Linkedin Profile from our career services team and learn how to grab the attention of the hiring manager at profile shortlisting stage

    Our Alumni Works At

    Interested in This Program? Secure your spot now.

    The application is free and takes only 5 minutes to complete.

    By providing your contact details, you agree to our Terms of use & Privacy Policy

    Program Cohorts

    Batch Type
    18th Mar 2023
    08:00 PM IST

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Upon completion of the Data Science with Python training course and execution of the various projects in this program, you will receive the Certificate.

    If you fail to attend any of the live lectures, you will get a copy of the recorded session in the next 12 hours. Moreover, if you have any other queries, you can get in touch with our course advisors or post them on our community.

    To be eligible for getting into the placement pool, the learner has to complete the course along with the submission of all projects and assignments. After this, he/she has to clear the PRT (Placement Readiness Test) to get into the placement pool and get access to our job portal as well as the career mentoring sessions.

    Yes, It’s depends upon the number of students from the college. more students, more discount will be there.

    It’s life time free and after enrolling you can participate ‘n’ number of times in the live classes.

    What is included in this course?

    Interested in This Program? Secure your spot now.

    The application is free and takes only 5 minutes to complete.

    By providing your contact details, you agree to our Terms of use & Privacy Policy